Exercises for the lower trapezius are crucial to improve posture, easing neck pain, and building endurance in the upper back. The lower trapezius is part of the trapezius muscles which extends across the back of the upper part and plays an important function in maintaining shoulder stability and encouraging the body’s balance. Many women discover these exercises useful to build lean muscle mass and improve flexibility. In this article, we’ll examine the top 9 most effective lower trapezius exercises suitable for women. Let’s begin!

1. Prone Y-Raise

Lower Trapezius Exercises for Women

The prone Y-raise is a very effective exercise to target the trapezius muscles in the lower part of your body as well as promote shoulder mobility and increase upper back strength. It can be performed on the bench or on using a stability ball.

How to Perform the Prone Y-Raise?

  • Lay face down on a bench or a stability ball.
  • Maintain your arms fully extended towards the sky to form the “Y” shape.
  • Keep your palms in front of the other.
  • Your arms should be lifted until they’re in line with your body. After that, slowly lower them.
  • Make sure to keep a small pause at the top to enlist the trapezius muscles of the lower back.

Benefits of the Prone Y-Raise

  • The lower trapezius muscles are strengthened.
  • It helps relieve shoulder pain.
  • Improves posture.

Tips for Beginners

  • Start with lighter dumbbells or with no weights at all.
  • Make sure your movements are slow and under control.
  • Concentrate on pressing the shoulder blades while you lift.

2. Face Pulls

Face pulls are a great exercise to strengthen the lower trapezius muscles, along with other muscles of the shoulders and upper back. They aid in reshaping round shoulders and improve posture overall.

How to Perform Face Pulls?

  • Connect a rope to the cable machine at the chest level.
  • Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, and grasp the rope handles using both hands.
  • Bring the rope toward your face, while keeping your elbows up and squeeze your shoulder blades.
  • Maintain the position for one second before slowly releasing.

Benefits of Face Pulls

  • Corrects bad posture.
  • Improves the health of your shoulders.
  • Stabilizes the scapular.

Tips for Beginners

  • Start with a gentle resistance.
  • Concentrate on your back muscles, not your arms.
  • Make sure your movements are controlled and focused.

T-Raise on Stability Ball

The T-raise exercise on the stability ball is an excellent exercise that targets the trapezius lower and surrounding muscles. It aids in improving the stability of the shoulder and balance, as well as focusing on the core.

How to Perform T-Raise on Stability Ball?

  • Place your body on a ball of stability with your shoulders away from the ball.
  • Relax your arms towards the floor.
  • Bring your arms up toward your sides until they’re in line with the ground, creating the “T” shape.
  • Slowly lower them.

Benefits of T-Raise on Stability Ball

  • Enhances balance and stability of the shoulder.
  • It targets the lower trapezius with effectiveness.
  • The core is strengthened.

Tips for Beginners

  • Begin with no weights until become comfortable with the movements.
  • Concentrate on pressing your shoulder blades.
  • Maintain your neck in a neutral position to prevent straining.

Wall Angels

Wall angles are a basic yet extremely efficient exercise that targets the trapezius lower, thereby improving the mobility of shoulders and posture.

How to Perform Wall Angels?

  • Lean back with your back against the wall. Make sure that your shoulders, head as well as your lower back, are in contact with the wall.
  • Then raise your arms to create your arms into a “W” shape, keeping them close to the wall.
  • Slowly lift your arms overhead until they make a “Y,” then return to the “W” position.

Benefits of Wall Angels

  • Improves posture.
  • The lower trapezius muscles are strengthened.
  • Increases shoulder flexibility.

Tips for Beginners

  • Make sure your movements are slow and under control.
  • Make sure your lower back stays close to the wall throughout your exercise.
  • Begin with fewer repetitions and gradually increase the repetitions.

Scapular Pull-Ups

Scapular pull-ups are an excellent exercise that targets the lower trapezius, without placing too much strain on the arms. They aid in strengthening the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades.

How to Perform Scapular Pull-Ups?

  • Use a pull-up bar to hang with your hands facing away from you.
  • Maintain your arms straight and move your shoulder blades downwards and back, but do not bend your elbows.
  • Keep this position for just a few seconds before letting it relax.

Benefits of Scapular Pull-Ups

  • The lower trapezius muscles are strengthened.
  • Enhances shoulder stability.
  • Reduces the chance of a shoulder injury.

Tips for Beginners

  • Utilize an assisted pull-up device when you require it.
  • Make sure you are working your back muscles more than your arms.
  • Make sure you control your movements to prevent swinging.

Prone T-Raise using Dumbbells

The prone T-raise performed with dumbbells is a good method to strengthen the lower trapezius as well as train the upper back and shoulder muscles.

What is the best way to perform Prone T-Raise using Dumbbells?

  • Lay face down on a table or stability ball.
  • Place dumbbells that are light in each hand, with your arms spread out.
  • Bring your arms up towards the side until they’re in line with the ground, and form the shape of a “T.”
  • Lower the dumbbells slowly.

Benefits of Prone T-Raise using Dumbbells

  • Lower trapezius targets and helps improve shoulder stability.
  • This helps to ease lower back and neck discomfort.
  • Strengthens the shoulder and upper back muscles.

Tips for Beginners

  • Begin with lighter weights or no weights until you master the form.
  • Maintain your neck in an upright position to keep your neck from straining.
  • Concentrate on slow controlled movements. Focus on slow, controlled.

Cable Y-Raise

The cable Y-raise is an excellent exercise that targets the trapezius muscles in the lower part of your body and strengthens the upper back muscles. It’s also helpful to improve the mobility of your shoulders.

How to Perform Cable Y-Raise?

  • Adjust a cable machine to its lowest setting and connect single handles.
  • Place yourself on the front edge of the device, and grab the handles using both hands.
  • Take the cables upwards and down in the form of a “Y” shape, keeping your elbows bent.
  • The handles should be slowly lowered to the ground.

Benefits of Cable Y-Raise

  • It strengthens the lower trapezius.
  • Improves shoulder mobility and stability.
  • Improves posture.

Tips for Beginners

  • Utilize light weights to prevent stressing your shoulders.
  • Engage your core during the workout.
  • Try to squeeze your shoulder blades to the highest point.

Reverse Dumbbell Fly

The reversed fly of the dumbbell is an additional excellent exercise working the trapezius lower and upper back muscles, which helps to increase shoulder stability overall.

How to Perform Reverse Dumbbell Fly?

  • Place your legs shoulder-width apart. keep dumbbells in each hand.
  • Flex your hips bend them and keep your back straight.
  • Allow your arms to hang down to the side, then stretch them towards the side until they’re in line with your body.
  • Reduce the dumbbells gradually.

Benefits of Reverse Dumbbell Fly

  • The lower trapezius is strengthened as well as the upper back.
  • Corrects poor posture.
  • Enhances shoulder stability.

Tips for Beginners

  • Start with light dumbbells and become comfortable with the movements.
  • Maintain an even bend in your elbows, to ensure your joints are protected.
  • Avoid utilizing momentum. Focus on controlled liftings.

Superman Exercise

The Superman workout is a fantastic bodyweight exercise that targets the trapezius lower and other back muscles which is ideal for strengthening and stabilizing the upper body in general.

How to Perform the Superman Exercise?

  • Lay face down on a mat, with your arms spread to the sides.
  • Then lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor in a single motion.
  • Maintain your position in place for a couple of seconds, and then slowly lower it.
  • Repeat the exercise until you have reached your desired number of times.

Benefits of the Superman Exercise

  • It strengthens the lower trapezius, the lower back, and glutes.
  • Improves core stability.
  • Enhances posture.

Tips for Beginners

  • Begin with shorter hold times before gradually increasing length.
  • Keep your neck level to prevent straining.
  • Make sure you are lifting with your back muscles instead of your legs or arms.


Integrating lower trapezius exercise in your exercise routine will aid in improving your posture, ease neck and shoulder pain, and create a stronger, more sturdy upper back. The top nine best lower trapezius exercises for women listed above offer a comprehensive method to strengthen these vital muscles. Be sure to begin with light weights or even no weights to master the technique and always concentrate on controlled, slow moves. It’s all about consistency and as time passes you’ll see an increase in strength as well as stability and overall body health.

The exercises are easy and efficient, which makes them ideal for women at all levels of fitness. When you focus on the lower trapezius area, you will not only improve the look of your back but also increase your functionality and decrease the likelihood of injuries. So, grab a few dumbbells, get a stability ball, and start adding these workouts to your exercise routine today!